Japan has suspended its annual whale hunt in the Antarctic for now after a hardline anti-whaling group gave chase to its mother ship and it may call the fleet back home, a government official said. 日本政府正式宣布:就之前“反对捕鲸组织”对其母舰一系列疯狂的追赶行为,政府已经决定暂停其在年度南极捕鲸计划,并将召回这些母舰。
This field lists the exchange management shell command that was used to create the new UM hunt group. 此字段列出用于新建um智能寻线的exchange命令行管理程序命令。
Japan has suspended its annual Antarctic whale hunt following protests from a campaign group. 因一个运动组织的抗议,日本暂停今年南极鲸鱼的捕捞活动。
Michael S. Hunt coined the term strategic group in 1972; 自1972年MICHAELS.Hunt从产业组织理论的角度出发首次提出战略集团;